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Ten key words of | fabric printing and dyeing industry in 2018
Click: 2019-01-01

With 2018 a thing of the past, it's time to take a look back at some of the hottest things that happened in the fabric industry this year.

In this year, the fabric industry sang the "song of ice and fire". In the first half of the year, the fabric market showed a strong trend, with many enterprises actively thinking about changes, further accelerating the pace of overseas layout, consolidating and expanding the industrial competitive advantages. At the same time, more and more fabric enterprises paid attention to technical research and development and innovation, increasing the added value of products...However, in the second half of the year, the industry has entered a "troubled autumn", with frequent "cooling" signals such as slowing product price increase, declining transaction volume, and contraction of production orders month-on-month, etc., and a series of "black swan" events such as the downturn in the general environment and china-us trade friction, making the fabric market in the second half of the year difficult.

That year, environmental stress, dyestuff, and other raw materials prices, rising labor costs, brand innovation capability is not strong, and the problem such as financing difficulties, concentrated outbreaks again in printing and dyeing industry, most of the printing and dyeing enterprises seek development in the adverse circumstance, some enterprises are struggling, and a few hard during enterprise.

In order to find a solution, the industry and enterprises work together to actively promote industrial restructuring and innovation upgrading, so that the industry towards more environmentally friendly, efficient, sustainable direction of development.

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Green taxes to

Actively upgrade survival of the fittest

Influence: ★★★☆

The Environmental Protection Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, China's first green tax aimed at environmental protection, came into effect on January 1, 2018, replacing a pollution charge system that has been in place for nearly 40 years.According to the tax law, environmental protection tax is declared quarterly, so from April 1 to April 15, many fabric enterprises ushered in the first period of collection.

According to the Environmental Protection Tax Schedule, the lower limit of environmental protection tax is: 1.2~12 yuan per pollution equivalent of air pollutant;The water pollutant is 1.4~14 yuan per pollution equivalent;Solid waste varies from 5 to 1000 yuan per ton according to different types, of which 1000 yuan per ton is hazardous waste;Industrial noise by exceeding decibel number, every month by 350 yuan ~11200 yuan pay.The maximum amount of tax is 10 times the minimum.

"The proportion of environmental protection tax in the tax payment of enterprises is low, generally less than 1%, so it does not constitute a major burden on enterprises, and the cost burden of enterprises will not be affected by the change of 'fees and taxes'."Lin Xueying, the general manager of Shaoxing Yongyao Textile Co., is more relaxed when it comes to the tax: "The purpose of the environmental tax is to encourage enterprises to reduce emissions. As enterprises, we should actively respond to the government's call."But there are also some enterprises admitted that after the "fee to tax", the operating costs of the company still appeared to rise.Zhu Yunhai, deputy manager of the development and design department of Zhejiang Babei Textile Co., told reporters that enterprises still have more money to pay taxes because of the increase in sewage projects."But in general, companies can afford it. It's not a problem.In order to ensure the interests of downstream customers, the company's current product quotation has not increased."

"Environmental protection tax" is a fixed tax rate, that is, more emissions pay more, less emissions pay less.Therefore, differences in environmental tax burden will lead to differences in product prices.The environmental protection tax forces enterprises to take the initiative to reduce emissions and fulfill their environmental responsibility by "weeking out the losers", so as to promote enterprises to promote product transformation and upgrading and develop green and low-carbon products with higher added value.

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Dyed price soaring

Profits shrink and expenses rise

Influence: ★★★★★ ★

Dyestuff prices have risen with surprising ferocity this year.On April 2nd Huntsman, an international dye giant, issued a price increase notice, with the new pricing policy taking effect on April 8th.On the same day, chemila, a global chemicals supplier, raised the prices of dye products by 15 to 25 percent, effective April 15.At the same time, the price of domestic dyestuff enterprises rose again. Since April 10, the price of disperse dyestuff once again rose to 3,000 yuan/ton, rising to 53,000 yuan/ton, up to 77% since the end of last year.

It is widely believed that the price rise is mainly due to the pressure of environmental protection.Due to environmental protection, the operation of domestic dyestuff production base is limited, and some small and medium-sized dyestuff production factories have stopped production, and dyestuff supply is under unprecedented pressure.In addition, due to the improvement of the global textile industry, downstream printing and dyeing enterprises are in the peak season of the year, the contradiction between supply and demand in the dye market further intensified.

The rising tide of dye prices has obviously brought a large impact on downstream enterprises.'Business is really good this year,' says Qiu Jianxia, chairman of Zhongcheng Printing and Dyeing Co. 'All the workshops are running at full capacity.'Since the beginning of the year, the company dyeing fee only increased once, up in 5%~6% or so."Dyeing fee is had to go up, and considering the acceptance of customers, we do not dare to go up too much, dyeing fee rise far less than dye."Although business is booming this year, profit margins are shrinking," Mr. Qiu said.

In addition, in response to the rising prices of dyes, insiders said that in order to balance the cost of the expenditure, some printing and dyeing enterprises textile additives purchase will be reduced.

According to industry insiders, the comprehensive cost of printing and dyeing enterprises has increased by 6%~7% year on year due to the repeated price rise of dyestuffs enterprises.In addition, due to the increasing investment and expenditure in environmental protection management of printing and dyeing enterprises, dye prices continue to rise, the second half of this year further widen the deficit.Although the price of dyes mainly depends on the supply of upstream raw materials, but the downstream printing and dyeing enterprises on the price of acceptance, cost transfer capacity is also the focus of market attention and dye enterprises need to consider.

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Giant exit

Reduce losses and shrink industries

Influence: ★★★☆☆

On March 16, Zhonghe Co., Ltd., according to a statement to improve the efficiency of material assets reorganization propulsion, deliberated and approved by the board of directors, the company to publicly listed in the property rights trading institutions, the sale of textile printing and dyeing sector assets, including fujian and the equity of five subsidiaries, and textile printing and dyeing business related land building, machinery, equipment, inventory, receivables and other non-equity assets, the listed price for 1 billion yuan.

On May 11, the group issued a notice again, based on the dyeing and finishing link profit is getting thinner and the industry bargaining power is low, the company's textile printing and dyeing business operation completely stopped, in order to reduce costs and expenses.So far, has served septwolves, Nine king, Jin Ba, Iger, Yicun, Exception, Zara and other famous brands of printing and dyeing giant officially farewell printing and dyeing industry.

It is understood that in the first half of this year, Zhonghe Shares textile printing and dyeing business revenue dropped by 30% year on year, revenue from the same period last year 232 million to 82.45 million, accounting for 50% of the decline to 20%.The personage inside course of study expresses, environmental protection and cost pressure and is currently the textile clothing enterprises under one of the biggest difficulties, and also affected by the same, especially dyestuff and other chemical products and comprehensive cost rises for enterprise cost cause high pressure, so to speak, and the business is mainly depends on the macro environment and industry situation.

Data show that in 2018, printing and dyeing industry basically maintained a stable operation, main business income, investment, export and other economic indicators are expected to maintain growth, but the downward pressure is still large, at the same time, the price of the dye and the implementation of the new environmental protection law also increased the company's operating costs.In the difficult to find an effective solution to the problem, enterprises through waiting for opportunities to replace, transfer and other ways to speed up the textile printing and dyeing business inefficient assets exit pace, can be regarded as an effective way to reduce the amount of losses.

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Slack season

Production and marketing to reduce the temperature of innovation

Influence: ★★★☆

Since the third quarter of this year, there have been frequent "cooling" signals in China's fabric market, such as slowing product price increase, declining transaction volume and contraction of production orders month-on-month.

China Keqiao Textile Index shows that in September and October this year, the overall business climate index fell by 17.93% and 18.22%, respectively, compared with the same period last year., according to a report in the 9 ~ 10 month period, public class north-south subscribe fell from dyeing fabrics, traditional marketing is still a bit, autumn run spot clinch a deal amount products from retraction, dyeing fabric orders to undertake local appeared at the beginning of winter is insufficient, domestic market demand from retraction, enterprise production orders for retraction, part of the textile printing and dyeing enterprises to open local drop probability, production and marketing from retraction.

Zhejiang Lanao Textile Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in the production and sales of polyester filament and chemical fiber fabrics. Originally, the company had 12 texturing machines working continuously, but since September 1, the production has been reduced by about 2/3, and more than half of the employees have also started to have a holiday."I can't help it. I can't sell the silk. I have too much stock.Chairman Tu Yuexin is worried about this.

In addition to Zhejiang, the "cooling tide" spread of cities in Jiangsu, Guangdong, Fujian and other places where the fabric cluster.Jiangsu Province, Changshu polyester market data shows that mid-September to the end of October, polyester, polyamide market trading volume is not good, the price is continuing to fall."Since September, the prices of FDY, FDY Dayou Guang and DTY products have been basically declining all the way, breaking the previous trend of stable and small rise, with less market demand.Market observers said.

A person in charge of an enterprise in Chaoshan of Guangdong province who does not want to give his name says with a sad smile, since this year, the enterprise belongs to half stop work state, after entering traditional peak season, the basic state of the enterprise did not change, and the part enterprise of periphery also has such condition.

As the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day.At present, the whole fabric industry is facing various tests.In order to solve the problem, fabric companies need to have innovative products in hand and a good marketing strategy, so as to become a plum with the highest frost and proud snow.

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Trade friction

The situation became more severe and the pressure increased

Influence: ★★★★★ ★

Since July this year, the US has announced a series of import tariffs of 25% on US $50 billion worth of Chinese goods and a list of US $200 billion worth of Chinese goods to be subject to a 10% tariff.At the same time, China retaliated accordingly, and the trade friction between China and the United States has been escalating.

Wang Haiyao, head of Shaoxing Hengchang Import and Export Co, said sales in the second half of the year were a bit "cold".It is understood that Hengchang textile has been deeply engaged in the American market for 10 years, of which about 40% products are directly exported to the United States, and the remaining 60% products are processed into garments in Vietnam and other places and then shipped to the United States.Mr. Wang said the company's exports were basically flat in the first six months of this year, but fell about 15% in July."Under the influence of sino-us trade frictions, the purchasing power of the US market has declined, and merchants are in a wait-and-see state."

"As some local CUSTOMERS in the United States are in a wait-and-see mode, so recent orders will be relatively low, but the impact on the company is not big."Wu Jing, business manager of Shaoxing Rhein Textile Import and Export Co. LTD.Rhein textile main artificial cotton, knitted fabrics, and so on, the product variety is rich, covering low, medium, high grade.Exports to the United States account for about 10% of the company's foreign trade, mainly in New York and Los Angeles.For relatively upscale markets such as New York, the company processes fabrics directly into garments for export to the United States, Ms. Wu said."There are no tariffs on clothing at the moment, so this is a way to get around the issue of tariffs."For big wholesalers such as Los Angeles, orders may fall but not by much.

Editorial comment: sino-us trade friction constantly upgrade, although it is not enough to cause full impact to the textile industry, but the export environment uncertainty, to relevant international purchase orders and orders textile enterprises, raw materials procurement, etc have a negative impact, coupled with the international market growth is slowing, the textile industry outlet pressure will be increased.For China's fabric enterprises, this is a crisis and a turning point. As long as the product quality is stable and the enterprise has strong innovation ability, the power of market discourse and anti-risk ability will also be stronger. After the great tide turns the sand, I believe we will usher in a better tomorrow.

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Obsolete equipment

We will move environmental protection industries

Influence: ★★★☆

In 2018, due to the impact of the national environmental protection policy, a large number of water-jet looms were eliminated from the weaving clusters in Jiangsu and Zhejiang.This year, the number of low-end water jet looms eliminated in Wujiang District, Suzhou city, Jiangsu Province alone reached 30,642.

From the preliminary investigation, there are three main problems in the spraying industry.First of all, sewage treatment is not in place.In many places, the take-over rate of sewage is only 20%, the rate of sewage reaching the standard is less than 50%, and the rate of reclaimed water is only 10%.Secondly, there are many illegal phenomena.Water jet loom enterprises in different degrees of leakage and leakage, excessive discharge, sewage treatment facilities run abnormal, which seriously affect the water quality of inland rivers, "Milk river", especially in the summer high temperature period, the river is black and smelly phenomenon.Third, the industry development is not standard.Some enterprises due to interest driven, do not handle any procedures, without authorization to increase the number of spray;Plenty of a factory sub-lease to a number of scattered water jet loom owners, management chaos.

However, it is worth noting that in jiangsu and Zhejiang region in large areas of water jet loom eliminated, many manufacturers have moved to neighboring Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei and other regions.Due to the strong support of the local government, the capacity transfer of water jet looms is under way, many of which have already settled down, and some are on the way of relocation.

The use of water jet looms is always inseparable from the problem of sewage discharge. The textile industry cluster in Jiangsu and Zhejiang province responds to the strict requirements of the state for environmental protection. It is irreversible to eliminate water jet looms.However, the growing market of chemical fiber fabric determines that the water-jet loom, as the most suitable fabric for weaving chemical fiber filament, still has a market.

Nowadays, in order to protect the environment and improve the added value of products, Jiangsu and Zhejiang province limit the development of water jet loom, and promote the transfer of filament weaving industry to the regions rich in water resources in the central and western regions.In fact, water jet loom is still the development direction of filament weaving industry in the future as long as sewage treatment is done well and zero discharge is achieved.

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Industrial relocation

Proper planning green to undertake

Influence: ★★★☆☆

In February this year, xiangnan textile industry base (cowboy town) project in Hengyang Changning City, Hunan province began.With a total investment of 10 billion yuan, the project will become the largest cowboy clothing industry cluster in Hunan.

This project has realized the whole internal relocation from the cowboy industry chain in Zengcheng, Guangzhou, and the first environmental protection treatment park has been built in separate areas. The advanced environmental protection technology has been adopted, and the washing process can treat the wastewater up to three types of water quality.

Learned, southern hunan textile industry base project planning land of about 1.33 million square meters, the first phase covers an area of 540000 square meters, the first phase of the construction of 1 day processing 60000 tons of sewage treatment plant, 38 washing plant, six dyeing factory, eight pulp dye house, eight whole plant after mercerizing, three printing factory, 1 carton factory, apparel production and 1 chemical plant yiyang industrial park project is located in changning county, the first phase of construction 40 apparel manufacturing enterprises and export trade center.

The industrial base sewage treatment plant will adopt MBR membrane process. After treatment, the discharged wastewater will reach the level A standard, and 50% of the treated wastewater will be reused for textile and greening, which will "paint the color and add luster" for the circular economy development of Shuikou Economic development Zone.After the completion of the base project, it will cover the whole industrial chain of cowboy apparel production, build the largest cowboy apparel industrial cluster in Hunan, and boost the industrial output value of Shuikoushan Economic Development Zone in Changning to over 100 billion yuan by 2020.

The project was officially signed on December 29, 2017, and construction began in early 2018.The total investment of the project is 10 billion yuan, reaching the annual output of 1.5 billion pieces of postpartum clothing, with an annual output value of 100 billion yuan and foreign exchange earning of 16 billion dollars.The project will be built in two phases. The first phase will be completed and put into operation by the end of October 2018.

The transfer of industries from developed regions is conducive to accelerating the economic development of less developed regions and narrowing the gap with developed regions as soon as possible.Rational understanding of the causes of environmental risks and taking effective preventive measures are the issues that must be considered in the process of industrial transfer in Hunan province.

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Shared factory

Improving quality and efficiency make up for weak links

Influence: ★★★☆

In April this year, Shandong province formulated the "1+7" regional sharing factory system construction plan for the printing and dyeing industry in the whole province (hereinafter referred to as the "construction plan"), planning to build a printing and dyeing industry cloud platform and layout of seven distributed printing and dyeing processing sharing factories.

It is understood that the overall plan of the construction plan is based on Kang Pingna group "digital automatic bobbin dyeing technology and equipment", strive to use 5 years time, in the province's plan to construct a set of intelligent green printing and dyeing technology of collaborative innovation, creative design, custom-made trading, remote operations, standardized development, human resources training, and other functions as one of the intelligent cloud platform, at the same time in the textile and apparel industry is concentrated in zibo in shandong province, zaozhuang, weifang, binzhou, liaocheng, xintai and other six regions, layout set up intensive, standardization of distributed intelligence sharing green printing and dyeing factory, 720000 tons of printing and dyeing ability formation,To provide intelligent and green printing and dyeing processing services for textile and garment enterprises in the radiation area, to replace the traditional printing and dyeing factories with small scale, scattered distribution, backward technology and equipment, and outdated production methods.

After the completion of the "1+7" regional Shared factory system for printing and dyeing industry, it will basically make up for the printing and dyeing production capacity gap in Shandong province. At the same time, it is expected to increase sales revenue by 22 billion yuan, profit by 2.1 billion yuan and profit and tax by 4 billion yuan annually.It can save 68 million tons of water, save 80 million kilowatts of electricity, save 4.1 million tons of steam, reduce 64 million tons of sewage, and drive the provincial textile and garment industry to increase revenue by more than 100 billion yuan.

Comments: The establishment of the sharing plant can effectively drive the printing and dyeing industry in Shandong province to break through the existing high energy consumption, high water consumption, high pollution, insufficient production capacity and other prominent weaknesses, for the province's textile and apparel industry to improve the quality and efficiency of upgrading and the conversion of old and new driving forces is of great significance.

And, more importantly, for a large number of small and medium-sized textile printing and dyeing enterprises, Shared factories can give full play to the enterprise scale effect, the use of the PPP mode, multiple synchronous operation, reduce the cost of doing business for small and medium enterprises pressure, promote local industrial upgrading, to drive the industry supporting the upstream and downstream industry, enhance the overall level of the industry.

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Rise of electricity

Reconstructing chain flexible production

Influence: ★★★☆☆

With "Internet +" into, after fresh in the textile fabrics has developed into a vertical B2B and steel electricity hot business category, and the rise of B2B electric business platform, a batch of fabrics such as cloth, search optimal material treasure, chain is the net and search bud, even star almirah inside hatched B2B platform garment cloth fabric in place, a change in the past, cold and cheerless.

In November this year, Textile B2B platform Baibu announced the completion of a $100 million C2 round of financing.

It is understood that Baobu was founded in April 2014. After more than four years of development, It has established supply chain centers in Guangzhou and Shaoxing. It has in-depth cooperation with more than 1,000 first-level suppliers and links with more than 4,000 first-level suppliers.At the same time, Baobu established a complete fabric information database, and solved the problem of searching and matching pattern fabric quickly through image retrieval technology.

Best cloth & CEO Zhao Zhenhong founder said: "after this round of financing, the cloth will continue in the cooperation of suppliers, product development, storage system, intelligent textile industry informatization and the cloth on the new technology can assign partners continue to, create a better, more efficient, more transparent, more intelligent clothing textiles face flexible supply chain service system, at the same time, the new development in north China, southwest of more than 10 clothing production center, to establish more efficient supply chain in the field of textile B2B service standards, and continue to expand the leading market share."

As a trillion-level market, the textile market is still in a very primitive stage after several decades of supply chain, and it urgently needs to rely on the Internet for digital transformation.After the effective combination of the demand of "diversified, individual and small batch" in the garment market with the "short, fast and special" fabric B2B production chain released through the Internet, it is inevitable to break and reconstruct the original old textile and garment industrial supply chain and promote the formation of flexible supply chain.


China-africa cooperation

We will draw on each other's strengths overseas

Influence: ★★★☆

We have grown cotton in South Africa and Egypt, built processing bases in Ethiopia and laid overseas logistics networks...Since 2018, Africa has been frequently mentioned by people in the field of China's textile and garment industry. Many domestic giants of the textile and garment industry have also come here to investigate, investigate, invest and set up factories.

Xu Yingxin, vice President of China Textile Industry Federation, said at the dialogue on African textile Industry held at The 2018 China International Textile Fabrics and Accessories expo (Autumn/Winter) that Africa has obvious comparative advantages in developing its textile industry.Second, some countries have advantages in energy and raw materials.The third is the external trade environment with preferential market access to Europe and America.Fourth, preferential and incentive policies adopted by various countries continue to create a favorable business environment.Fifth, it has a huge consumer market potential;Sixth, it is possible to drive the development of the whole textile industry chain with clothing.

Wuxi, a cotton group co., LTD., is one of the Chinese enterprises in Africa, according to the company's chairman said Zhou Yejun, wuxi YiMian years ago began to focus on the investment environment of Africa, after a lot of research, considering the climate, traffic, factors such as human resources, energy, infrastructure, a final decision in Ethiopia's radar industrial park investment in factories."The development of industrial parks in Ethiopia is a new development model and also a reference to China's successful development model. Ethiopia's industrial parks are very close to China's development model."

Editor's Comment:

In 2018, Chinese textile enterprises have begun to expand their business in Africa, and the "going global" of China's textile industry has become more and more smooth. All parties have expressed their utmost enthusiasm to jointly promote China's textile industry to go global.

The achievements of "going out" this year show that the backbone enterprises in China's textile industry have significantly improved their awareness of taking the initiative in international layout, and have built new international competitive advantages by investing and acquiring high-quality resources, advanced R&D capabilities and technologies, terminal channels and other fields in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain from a global perspective.


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Analysis of advantages and disadvantages of coagulation and air floatation in textile printing and dyeing wastewater treatment

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Many printing and dyeing chemical enterprises to stop production emission reduction disperse dye prices increased

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