Our Corporate Goal: To achieve an overall devlopment, we shall optimize the standard of administration and management, aggregate the strength of whole society and ultimately promote and prosper our brand.
Our Managerial Idea: Solidarity along with inclusiveness. Targets along with obligations. Pratical approach along with high efficiency. Pioneering along with progressing.
The Spirit of Our Enterprise: Innovation, Efficiency, Unity, Prominence, and Endeavor.
Our Style of Work: Quick reaction and high efficiency.
Our Managerial Mode: Do at once, plan in advance.
Our policy for Quality: Enforce strict mangement so as to reinfoce product quality. Bring out the untiring service so as to bring in customer's satisfaction.
Our goal for Quality: To enhance foundational mangement, and to improve the stabilization of the productive process, so as to increase the rate if high-quality products. To accelerate technological development, and to exploit market with new products, so as to enhance market satisfaction. To challenge ourselves in order to optimize our performance, maintaining the qualification rate of ex-factory products above 99.5%, the qualification rate of the initial inspection of products above 99.5%, and complaint rate below 2%.
Our Idea for Quality: High standard, fine workmanship, and zero defect.
Our Idea for Talents: Care for people, orient around people and implement the strategy of talent development.
The Vow of Our Employees: By no means shall we ignore the awareness of crisis, or slow down the pace of progress.
Our Moral Values: Love and dedication. Hard work and contribution.
Our Idea for Development : To build a stage for everyone of the staff to realize his/her aspirations and demonstrate their individual value.
Our Discipline: Strict enforcement of orders and prohibition, togetger with absolute obedience.
Our Ultimate Purpose: To contribute value and wealth, in our gratitude for society.
Our Rules for Emloyees: Self-confidence, self-reliance and self-esteem meanwhile with modesty, honesty and courtesy. Also, obedience to management, loyalty to collective. Furthermore, keep secrets, follow the rules, and protect public property. Besides, shall not forget production safety, energy conservation, consumption reduction and waste control. Last but not least, everyone of us shall assume the responsibilty for the rises and falls of our company.