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[Training] Wenzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce held a seminar on legal risk prevention strategies
Click: 2015-05-03

At 14:00 on April 15, the legal training meeting for the second quarter of 2015 was held by Guangzheng Law Firm, the legal consultant unit coordinated by Wenzhou Federation of Industry and Commerce, mainly explaining the key Legal Risk Prevention Strategy of enterprises. Members of our chamber of Commerce, such as Huadu and Hongfeng, attended the meeting.

Conference, xie shang shi law shows that the purpose of this training to you, is to allow enterprises to know what are the legal risk, accurate analysis and identify potential legal risks, the enterprise itself according to the current situation of the enterprise and business operation features built to match the corporate legal risk control architecture, planning and implementation for the legal risk prevention and control plan, effectively reduce the enterprise operational risk.Through a number of real cases to explain the enterprise legal risk management cost-benefit analysis and implementation steps and methods.It also explains how to carry out legal risk diagnosis, especially in human resource legal risk management and business contract legal risk management.


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