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Click: 2015-04-03

   Mr. Ye Fuzhong, chairman of Lishui Yunyun Mabou Industry Co., LTD., attended the second fourth Board meeting held by Wenzhou Gejibu Chamber of Commerce to discuss how to carry out the economic work of the industry in 2015 and the development direction of the Chamber of Commerce, and to exchange the implementation of the board resolution of last year.


        The meeting is the first industry spring meeting, the meeting, everybody speaks enthusiastically, lined up in recent years due to the economic environment grim complex loans receivable cumulative expansion bring huge risk capital, raw materials (fabric and dye) prices continue to rise, bring a lot of pressure to enterprise production cost, has said the industry disorderly bargain, loans and settlement time is not clear, and so on and so forth still exist, at the same time hope that the chamber of commerce provide upstream and downstream suppliers situation for the member unit for reference.

The Chamber of Commerce has put forward valuable Suggestions to enterprises present: 1. Developing new members is the most important task; 2. Improving the information exchange platform to prepare for the transmission of correct and accurate information; 3.

At the end of the meeting, President Wang made a summary and put forward several Suggestions:

1. Purchase and sales contracts must be signed in addition to cash settlement.And identify the official seal, financial seal and the name of the agent;

2. Monthly statement shall be strictly implemented in loan settlement, and cooperation shall be suspended if overdue;It is suggested to take the 5th day of each month as the settlement date;

  After the meeting, Lawyer Huang Runsheng gave a legal answer on the spot, and the council unanimously approved the resignation of Secretary General of Hongxuedong Chamber of Commerce by a show of hands.

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[Dynamic] The Chamber of Commerce held the fifth executive meeting of the second session

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